Sidney and Chloe

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Monday, August 22, 2005

My Wife is My Hero

At the "Fellas Weekend" this summer, one of my long time friends from San Antonio told me I would learn the truth about love and how my wife is truly a hero. Boy have I! She is.

There is no stronger person I know than Julie. She has carried these girls for months, dealt with me for years, loves our dogs like they are kids, is a great friend to tons of others and the biggest servant I know.

But having these babies and going through all of this is the biggest thing I can ever imagine. She's there, in pain, tired as can be, naked in front of the world, and there I am with my camera, dressed in baseball cap and Hawaiian shirt, looking all suave. I truly am a wimp compared to her. I could never do all she does and has done.

I love her now more than ever.

I just hope the babies are as strong and beautiful as my bride.


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