Sidney and Chloe

The Twins - stories, updates, pictures and more!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Girls Start Year with Some New Things...

There is never a day with twins in which you could say it was just a "normal day"....just doesn't happen. This year has proven to be just a continuation of 2006. The girls are growing over night and are doing all kinds of new funny things. Here are some of what they have been up to and are doing in this first month of 2007:

1. Both are talking baby talk - to us and each other ALL THE TIME and it is hilarious to listen to. They just sit there and babble and then laugh as if sharing the "joke of the week" they just read in their latest email. This goes on for long periods of time too. Especially in the car.

2. DVD player in car - greatest invention ever, but until they create a "rear system" for the kiddos and a "front system" for dad to listen to his fill of sports talk as we drive, we will have to settle for hours upon hours on end of childrens "silly songs"...with great hits like "Do your ears hang low" and "Wheels on the bus". Of course, many of you are laughing as you read this, knowing you are well past this point in child rearing.....dear God bring the day when the girls will love Mix 102.9...playing the hits of the 00s, 10s and 20s of course!

3. The stairs - both have mastered crawling up AND scooting down our staircase. Chloe loves going down more than up. We discovered the climbing up abilty weeks ago when one afternoon Julie heard nothing but silence...she peaked around from the kitchen to see both girls standing at the top of stairs with the proudest grins in history!! Needless to say the habit of putting gates up on both ends to block this new skill is now in place!

4. Electronic Girl - Chloe is my little electronics girl...she has learned the master skill of how to turn daddy's PC off right in the middle of one of his projects (that he of course has NOT recently saved)....and she knows all remotes well enough to change channels, turn up volumes and reprogram entirely! Maybe she's gonna be Poppey's helper one day....

5. Curly Haired Girls - Chloe's hair is now nearly a mirror image of Sidney's. At a glance it can be hard for even us to tell them apart and we are with them all day! I have never seen such cute curls....other than on Jayna Curlee!

6. 4 Wheeler Babes - we got the girls these little powered pink 4-wheelers for Christmas.....they have more fun actually pushing them from behind, but they do get on them and push the red "go" button! Steering? Well, that is something yet to be learned.

7. Little Gym - the girls have joined in the little gym craze. They love doing flips and both can nearly do them on their own. They bend down with their hands on the ground and nearly stand on their this point we have to give them a little push to complete the process!

8. Sidney's One-Arm - our little sid has this hilarious one-arm run she does! She chugs right along running around all the while propelling herself with just one arm swing! The other remains steadily in place not moving an inch! It is very funny!

The girls are now 17 months old which is incredible. We think they are a little behind in their vocabulary, but way ahead in many other ways. Regardless, this is by far the most fun we have ever had! They are always keeping us and the Boys (our dogs) on our toes!

Funny, funny, funny times in Speers land!

See our website for video and pictures! Post comments too!


  • At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is amazing to watch them grow, isn't it?! They'll be driving before you know it!

    BTW, saw the girls in the paper today: They are too adorable!


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